This blog is a recorded journal of part of my life; a lifestyle blog that features a little bit of many topics such as travel, photography, running, hiking, crafting, sewing, gardening, health, food, and parenting.
This blog is a transfer and continuation of my original blog, www.johnnieandangela.blogspot.com, which I started in 2011 to allow our family and friends to follow our life while we were stationed in South Korea for a year. It developed into a photo travel blog as I explored that country and traveled to others.
In 2012, we moved to Hawaii and had a baby. The blog then transformed into a record of my pregnancy and then became our daughter’s baby book so that our loved ones, whom we lived far from, could watch her grow. Unfortunately, housing in Hawaii (we lived in 3 long-term houses and 2 short-term houses) presented challenges which caused my daughter and I to both develop separate health issues that took years to recover from. During that time I stopped blogging to heal.
We left Hawaii in 2015, lived in Georgia from 2015-2017, in Virginia from 2017-2020, in an RV traveling the country full-time in 2020-2021, and settled in Washington state in 2021 and moved into Seattle in 2023. Life has been quite a ride and things didn’t turn out the way I thought they would, but I believe that maybe they turned out the way I needed. The only thing I’m sure of now is that the second half of my life will be better than the first.
Who I am:
Hi. My name is Angela. I am a Pennsylvania girl now living in Seattle by way of 22 homes within 8 states and 2 countries. I’m a mama to one fantastic kid and one sweet senior dog. I have a B.S. in Elementary Education, an M.Ed. in Instructional Technology, and certificates in Plant Based Nutrition and Medicinal Plants. I have had careers as an elementary school teacher (teaching in 4 states), as an Instructional Technology Specialist at a university, and as a photo studio photographer and manager. I am currently a mom, a certificated substitute teacher, a photographer, and an artist.
What does a “A Lot and A Couple” mean?
The name “A Lot & A Couple” came about because of my daughter. When she was 3 years old and I would say to her, “I love you a lot,” she would reply, “I love you a lot… and a couple.” I chose A Lot and A Couple as my blog and business name because it is a message of love and it allows room for growth.
Thank you for joining me!