30 Weeks Old

We are no longer counting months, but now counting weeks and days until Johnnie returns! It’s hard to believe that we made it through the deployment as well as we did and that it is almost over. Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win the Share the Love ~ End of Deployment Care Package!
Cameron has broken the vow of silence that she’s been on for a few weeks and has suddenly decided to start making as much noise as she possibly can. She is almost constantly squealing, yelling, babbling, or blowing raspberries now.
She also came down with a little cold on Wednesday. This is nothing like her first cold, thank goodness! There is no fever this time, only mild stuffiness, runny nose, and coughing. She had a couple restless nights when her stuffiness or coughing kept waking her up so I am exhausted… and last night I suddenly developed what she has and feel yucky. I’ve been feeding Cameron broccoli food blends every day which she loves and that are high in Vitamin C (something she was too young for last time). I’ve upped the Vitamin C for myself as well and will take some cold medicine before heading to bed. Cameron’s cold seems to be on it’s way out already (fingers crossed) so I hope that means that mine won’t last more than a few days as well.

Cameron is finally mastering sitting up unsupported. She loves being upright and can keep her balance for a long time… today she sat playing for over 10 minutes. When she is sitting up, she can easily get onto her belly when she wants to. However, she can’t go from belly to sitting by herself yet but she is working on it. She can go from her belly to resting on her side supported with one arm.

Cameron always goes running with me because we don’t have any other options right now. However, I’ve actually stopped taking Dulce on runs longer than 2 miles. She has been such a slacker lately about running and makes me drag her for a mile before she finally decides to keep up. There is even one specific path that she flat-out refused to move on both times we’ve gone on it. I had to resort to letting her sit on the stroller to keep going… I think that was exactly what she wanted anyway. This is the same dog that used to run 5+ miles with me all the time. She even ran a 10 miler with me once. She’s only 3 years old so I don’t think it’s an age thing. I think that she’s either just getting lazy or she’s jealous of Cameron’s ride. When Johnnie gets home, I’ll be able take her running with me without the stroller and see how she does.
The sight of her on the stroller certainly amuses everyone that we pass!
Dulce has no problems running like a mad dog when we take her to the dog beach! She loves the beach and knows when we are going there. It’s only a five minute drive from our house but she whines loudly with anticipation and excitement the entire way. She has a great time running around but doesn’t actually go into the water unless she’s following me. Cameron had a belly-laughing fit watching Dulce bolt around in the sand when we went to the beach this week. I love listening to her laugh 🙂
Any day spent at the beach is a good day 🙂
Seriously. Look at those eyelashes. What a lucky girl!
“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.”
~Irish proverb
Too funny – I actually apologize to Dulce the whole way because we have to drive so slow 🙂 She just may be becoming Cameron's dog now. I hadn't thought of that yet!
Thank you Allison! I'm hoping today was the worst of it – I definitely got hit harder with this than Cameron did (and for that I'm grateful) but I'm hoping to be back to life by Monday.
I think Dulce is no longer your dog, she's Cameron's dog so she wants to sit with her in the stroller rather than run. In your photos she's always right by Cameron. Oh, and my dogs are awful in the car – whining, cring, panting. It's awful when you have multiple dogs acting that way. I can just hear it now "but officer, my dogs wanted me to hurry up and get to the dog park".
I hope you're starting to feel better already, AJ. I got a kick out of the photo of Dulce in the stroller – that's hilarious!! 🙂