Family Friday: Nov 2

8 Weeks Old


At the end of Cameron’s 8 week photo session, I added the card and money and snapped this photo with my iPhone to send to Great-Grandma “Boppy” as a thank you for sending the card.  I ended up liking this photo better than all the others because she looks so happy 🙂

This week was Cameron’s first holiday… Halloween!  I grew up in a rural area where you had to drive to other houses to Trick or Treat and you needed a costume that you could fit over warm clothes.  Here in Hawaii, it is warm at night so all of the neighbors sat on patio furniture in their driveways and handed out candy to the constant parade of kids (and some parents) dressed up going from house to house.  The whole neighborhood is quite large so we saw almost 200 kids!  The older kids who had traveled the entire neighborhood had a huge sacks of candy.  Next year we’ll be dressing up and decorating more now that we know how festive the evening is!

I didn’t see the point of buying Cameron a Halloween costume this year since we never left the driveway so we wrapped her in a white swaddle blanket, put on a white hat, and called her a ghost 🙂  Dulce put on her Seattle Mariners jersey for the occasion.  She got tons of pats and hugs from all the trick-or-treaters.  I love that strange kids can come up to her and hug her head and all she does is sniff them… she is such a good dog!

This week Cameron had a growth spurt.  Babies typically experience a growth spurt between 6 and 8 weeks so Cameron is right on schedule!  She had all of the signs of a growth spurt according to

  1. She wants to nurse nonstop.  Eating more often during the day and waking often to eat at night.
  2. She’s fussier than usual. Harder to soothe and fussy while breastfeeding latching and unlatching because she wants more milk right now.
  3. She suddenly hibernates. Following a growth spurt she’ll sleep more soundly and more often. It’s thought that is when growth occurs.

Cameron had a couple days of eating more frequently which peaked on Sunday night.  She was super fussy, wouldn’t sleep, and nursed every hour from 8:30pm to 2:30am.  It was completely exhausting and frustrating.  However, Cam has more than made up for it.  Every night since then, she has been sleeping for 6 hours straight!  During the day she is now going exactly 4 hours between feedings.  This schedule certainly makes life a little easier 🙂

We’ve been trying to take a photo a day for daddy.  I upload the photos to a photo stream on our iCloud and he can instantly see them on the other side of the world… how great is that?  Here are a few from this week:

All dressed up for church on Sunday.  We stopped at Starbucks afterwards.  I’m in love with the new peppermint mochas (soy decaf of course)!

Cameron has become a lot more alert in the past couple weeks.  She stares at things and tries to reach out for them but she still has very little coordination.  You can see in this photo that she is losing the hair on the front top of her head!  I wonder if it will still be brown when it grows back in?

We took Dulce to the dog park where she played with some new Chihuahua friends.  Cameron was unimpressed.  This was our goofy photo of the week 🙂

We went to the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet on Wednesday which is a great place for cheap Hawaiian souvenirs.  Cameron slept in the Ergo carrier the entire time.  Don’t worry… except to take this photo, I kept her head covered and we stayed in the shade 🙂

I went running this week!  The last time I went jogging was in July and that was just around the little park next to our house.  This was the first real, out-of-the-neighborhood, going-for-multiple-miles run that I’ve done in six months!  Dulce and I went 3.25 miles over to the Pearl Harbor channel and back.  Dulce loved it and did better than I did.  My legs and breathing felt great the whole time but my heart rate was so high (despite jogging slowly) that I had to walk at times just to bring it down.  Johnnie’s parents are here for another week so I’m excited to get a few more baby-free runs in before they leave.


“I did so many things, where do I start?
Gonna tell you everything and not leave out a single part.
D-A-D-D-Y, oh how I love ya
Oh how I love ya, Daddy-O”
~Frances England