Family Friday: 20 Weeks

Warning: Family Friday posts are an open and honest update of our pregnancy.  There will be references to lady parts, internal organs, and bodily functions.  There will also be photos of baby bumps and ultrasounds.  If any of this bothers you, please stop reading now.

20 Weeks – halfway there!
 – is about 6.5 inches long from head to rump and about 10 inches from head to heel
 – weighs about 10.5 ounces
 – is practicing swallowing every day
 – is starting to develop immunities from antibodies that are in my body
 – is starting to recognize familiar voices, music, and sounds
WEIGHT:  +7.5 pounds total.  That’s a 1.5 pound gain this week.
BODY:  My waist is at +2.75 inches, my lower belly is at +3 inches, and my hips are at +1.25 inch.  There is no denying the baby bump now!  I think I’ve officially left the “I look fat” phase and graduated to the “I look pregnant” phase.
THE GOOD:  1) Movement.  Although it still feels strange and alien-like, it’s comforting to know that Baby G is alive and well in there.  The movements are getting stronger every day.  2) Johnnie.  Despite the craziness that accompanies pregnancy, he is the rock that keeps me grounded.  I couldn’t ask for a more understanding, sweet, and helpful person to keep me sane and happy on this journey.  I love that this baby is a part of both of us and I know that Johnnie is going to be an amazing daddy <3
THE BAD:  1) Headaches.  I had a bad one that lasted for three days this week.  2) Body image.  I’ve always struggled with body image so honestly it’s hard accepting that it’s okay for my body to get bigger and wider.  I know that I’m supposed to gain weight and inches because there is a living baby growing inside of me.  It’s an amazing thing but it’s still strange to see my body changing in the mirror every day.
FOOD:  You always hear about pregnant women eating pickles but I actually haven’t been able to eat them unless they are on a sandwich.  However, there is one pickled thing I do want to eat every day and that is pickled beets.  I stock up on the small cans of the beets and eat a whole can at once.
EXERCISE:  This week I hit the gym a few times.  I worked out on an elliptical machine and the weight machines.  I did a yoga class that was very slow moving which I think the baby loved because it was squirming all around 🙂  My favorite this week was a Power Pump class which used weights to work all the large muscles in the legs, arms, and back.  Exercising while pregnant has so many benefits for mom and baby such as 1) your body feels and functions better  2) you sleep better  3) building strong muscles and endurance helps with labor and delivery  4) the placenta is stronger and better functioning  5) the baby will be leaner (though not under-weight) and is less likely to become an overweight child.

OTHER NOTES:  Allow me to rant about maternity clothes this week.  I have always looked forward to the day when I could shop the cute maternity fashions that are available.  I just never imagined that I’d be living in Hawaii when that time came.  There are a very limited number of maternity stores on this island and the regular clothing stores have a small, not-my-taste selection of maternity clothes.  I am seeing the same maternity fashions everywhere I go and I’m not happy with them.  1) Horizontal stripes.  I really don’t need to look any wider than I already am!  2) Flap pockets on the back of pants and shorts.  Thanks, but I really don’t need the extra fabric to draw attention to my already-larger bottom!  3) Light blue denim.  I won’t even wear that when I’m not pregnant.  4) Round necklines with gathers and/or embellishments.  Way too much of this, I need some variety to choose from!  5) The worst thing – sizing.  Number sizes disappear in maternity clothes and are replaced with small, medium, and large.  Women in the States vary greatly in height and weight so this is an awful idea!  So far I’m managing to get by wearing larger, low-rise shorts, stretchy shirts, and sundresses.

We only have one week left until we find out the gender of Baby G!  We are SO excited!  Our appointment is next Friday afternoon and we aren’t telling family until Sunday which means that all of our blog readers/friends will have to wait until the May 25th Family Friday post to find out… sorry!  Voting for the gender will stay active until May 23rd.  As I’m writing this, more people are thinking that Baby G will be a girl!

“I’ve got you under my skin
I’ve got you deep in the heart of me
So deep in my heart that you’re really a part of me
I’ve got you under my skin.”
~Frank Sinatra


  1. Maternity clothes. Uggg. I hear you on that one! I was pregnant in Boston, eastern New Mexico, San Diego and DC. You'd think that at least one of those places could come up with decent options. And what I bought didn't last through more than one pregnancy. I saved them, but realized how balled up, faded and misshapen they were when I pulled them out again. At least my last baby was due in the summer and I got away with stretchy skirts from Old Navy. Great for afterward too.

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