Family Friday: 13 Weeks

Warning: Family Friday posts are an open and honest update of our pregnancy.  There will be references to lady parts, internal organs, and bodily functions.  There will also be photos of baby bumps and ultrasounds.  If any of this bothers you, please stop reading now.

13 Weeks
 –  is about 3 inches long
 –  can open and close his/her mouth
 –  has bone replacing cartilage and has ribs appearing
 –  is developing vocal chords
 –  has fingerprints
WEIGHT:  0 pounds.  Last weekend my weight suddenly shot up 1 whole pound and has stayed the same every day since.  I am finally back up to my pre-pregnancy weight.  It will be all extra weight gain from here on out!
BODY:  My waist is still at +1 inch, my lower belly is still at +1.5 inches, but my hips are now at +.25 inches!  Apparently the pound I gained went straight to my hips 🙁  I know that widening hips are part of the child-bearing deal but it doesn’t make me like it any better!
THE GOOD:  I’m just going to mention one thing this week: Sex.  Sex drive is a hit or miss thing with pregnant women.  Some experience increased desire while others could gladly go without for nine months.  My sex drive has been through the roof  for the past month!  I really hope it continues throughout the rest of the pregnancy because pregnant orgasms truly are an award-worthy experience 😉
THE BAD:  1) Nausea.  It’s finally starting to go away, hitting only every now and then.  2) Fatigue.  This is the first week I’ve really experienced fatigue.  There have been a few afternoons that Dulce and I curled up and took a nap together.
FOOD:  This was a strange week for food and appetite.  There are more and more foods that are starting to sound good and smell good to me BUT when I eat those foods, they do not agree with me.  My stomach obviously didn’t get the memo that my senses got.  Fruit, peanut butter, bread/bagels, and protein smoothies are still my go-to foods that always agree with me.
EXERCISE:  This week Dulce and I took a few long walks, we went jogging once, and I went to the gym 2x for weights and cardio.  I’m hoping that when the nausea does finally go away, that I’ll feel like jogging more.  I really miss my longer runs!
OTHER NOTES:  We made it to the second trimester!  The chance of miscarriage is greatly reduced at this point.  All of the baby’s major development is complete (isn’t that amazing?!) and now he/she just has to grow for the next 6 months!  I had a prenatal check-up this week.  The doctor did a physical exam and we listened to the baby’s heartbeat which was in the 160’s.  Everything with the baby looks good.  We went over the test results from the six tubes of blood they took on my first visit.  Other than being RH Negative, all the blood work was perfect.  All of my levels of vitamins, iron, etc, were all exactly where they should be.
“A baby fills a hole in your heart that you never knew was there.”
~Author Unknown


  1. Congrats to both of you! May I recommend ginger lollipops for nausea? I hope you are doing well in paradise!-Jamie Radoescu

  2. I'm so happy to learn stage by stage about your pregnacy. You look beautiful!
    I pray morning and night for your well being and the baby you're caring. I pray for your husband as well. God bless you all. Can't wait to the next post. Hugs. MG

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